More Greek vocabulary
If you want to learn Greek at the supermarket these words will come in handy
You don't really need to speak Greek when you go to one of the big supermarkets on the island.
A supermarket aisle in Cyprus
is fairly similar to anywhere else in the world.
BUT you may need to ask for things at the deli counter or in the butchery department.
Many staff on these counters do not necessarily speak English well, so it may be worth your while to learn some Greek for common things you are likely to need in the supermarket.
Some of these words are also useful if you want to shop at village butchers and bakeries.
Remember, as always, put the stress on the part of the word in italics
to beh-kon to vodh-ee-no to ko-top-oolo to khee-ree-no o kee-mas ta loo-ka-neeka to ar-nee o ton-os ee gha-ree-tha o solo-mos to ga-la ee marme-la-tha to ree-zee to bees-ko-to ee elee-es to x-ee-thee to av-gho to mee-lo ee ba-na-na to porto-ka-lee ee fra-oula ee do-ma-ta to spa-na-kee to ang-oo-ree to skor-tho ta kremee-thee-a to ma-roo-lee to ka-ro-to |
bacon beef chicken pork mince sausages lamb tuna prawns salmon milk rice marmelade/jam biscuit olives vinegar egg apple banana orange strawberry tomato spinach cucumber garlic onions lettuce carrot |
The main big supermarket chains on the island are Papantoniou, Alpha Mega, Sklavenitis (formerly Carrefour) and the budget priced Lidl . But don't forget the small froutaria which sell fresh fruit and vegetables and other produce. The fruit and vegetables are often as cheap, if not cheaper than the big supermarkets.
I personally shop once a month at one of the bigger supermarkets, but buy most of my fruit and vegetables (well at least the stuff I don't grow in my veggie garden) from our local fruit market Kaites in Polis. The produce is always much fresher there as it comes straight from the fields that morning.
Related pages:
Greek words for food and drink
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