Share your Cyprus Travel Stories

I absolutely love sharing my secret Cyprus travel tips to help you find the best things on our beautiful island. The camera is always at the ready to capture a special moment. My only problem is I have SO many photos, I just wish I had more time to upload them all and write a story to go with the best shots.

cyprusdonkey Cyprus donkey

Is there any chance you could help me out here?

I would LOVE to hear about YOUR best moments on the island too, secret places YOU managed to find or that favourite place, restaurant, beach or anything else that makes you love Cyprus.

Not to be competitive or anything, but I can feel a contest coming soon for the best Cyprus travel secret or magical moment caught on film :) Personally I just LOVE taking close up pictures of wild flowers - the colour and vibrancy in the images is simply breathtaking.

So why not:

If you love Cyprus as much as I do, please DO share your story and photos with me and help to make the information on this site even more special for all my visitors.

Create your own Cyprus Travel Secrets

Share your Cyprus stories with me here. Just find your travel story topic on one of the links below and type away - it's really easy!

Rave about your BEST RESTAURANT in Cyprus


Write a TRAVEL REVIEW about a hotel, your favourite villa or anything else!

Upload a photo taken in Cyprus that captures your best MAGIC MOMENT

Tell me about your FAVOURITE BEACH in Cyprus.


Upload your cutest DOG PHOTO.

Share your favourite WILD FLOWER PHOTOS.

OR if you have a general story about your travels to the island that does not fit into any of the links above, use the form on this page to share it with others who love Kypros as much as you do.

(Either scroll to the bottom or click here to skip down to the form.)

I will convert your story into your very own webpage for everyone to read...and then you can get your friends and family to comment on what they think of your writing! They can also LIKE your page, spreading the word to their Facebook friends about how fantastic Kypros is.

Tip: Don't be shy. Just share and spread the Cyprus love:)

Share your Cyprus Travel Story

I can't wait to hear about YOUR secret Cyprus travel stories.

Share them with us so others can enjoy Cyprus as much as we do.
Thanks for sharing!

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YOUR Cyprus Travel Stories

Click on the links below for travel stories written by other visitors to Cyprus and the Cyprus Travel Secrets website.

Fake Pearls sold in Kosmima, a shop in old Paphos 
I had a lovely time in beautiful Cyprus this September. The only blot on a fantastic holiday was being sold fake pearls in a very upmarket-looking boutique …

Past & present in Cyprus 
I am returning to Cyprus for a holiday in about 10 days, having lived in Limassol 1976 - 79 and holidayed a couple of times in the '90's. The country had …

A poignant Cyprus tale - Kindness is not foreign, it exists everywhere. 
In 2008 while on a regular soiree to Cyprus, I became aware that all was not well with me, so I set off to find a medical clinic where I was informed in …

A fond memory of our trip to Cyprus 
We had the privilege to travel to Cyprus in December 2009. At first we stayed at Nikis House in Limassol where we were met by the friendly owner and …

Why Vist Cyprus - for the fifteenth time? 
For the past ten years we have come to Cyprus for an out of season holiday in the autumn and / or spring, staying in villages - Tochni, Anogyra, Kathikas, …

The pleasures of Cyprus in a story of life and death 
I was unwise to travel to Cyprus in 2008 particularly on my own. Cyprus is the only overseas destination I have visited more than once, in fact 2008 was …

Bad experience with in Cyprus 
We would like to bring to your attention our experience with . On August 26 used your link to book hire car 13th -19th sept. Received …

Click here to write your own.

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Rocky's story - our rescue pup

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Favourite Things to Do

Latchi Watersports boat hire

koulla boat trip

quad bike safari

grow your own vegetables in cyprus

101 things to do in Cyprus

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