101 Things to do in Cyprus

The fastest way to plan your Cyprus holiday activities

Use my 101 things to do in Cyprus guide to plan your holiday, now available to buy right here via Paypal or as a KINDLE version.

101 things to do in cyprus

I've had tons of e-mails from visitors to the site wanting a quick and easy reference list of things to do on the island, so I decided to expand my 101 things to do list into a mini eGuide.

Whether you love activities, touring villages, historical sites, eating and drinking, chilling out on a deserted sandy beach or just shopping, my 36 page guide will help you plan your holiday activities fast - all for just £1.99

Once you've paid, hit the "RETURN to..." link on the Paypal payment confirmation screen to get your guide.

101 things to do in cyprus

The guide contains LINKS to activity providers, restaurants, towns and villages and websites where you can book tickets or find out more information so you can plan your time in Cyprus in the most efficient way possible and not waste a minute of your precious vacation time.

It's also a handy item to have on your smartphone, iPad or or other mobile device, so you can cross reference it as you're travelling around the island.

Plus the guide is illustrated with unique images of various attractions and places to whet your appetite.

How to Buy my 101 Things to do in Cyprus guide

Payment is quick and easy via the Paypal button below. Or follow this link to buy the KINDLE version.

NB: As soon as payment is made, Paypal will tell you your payment has been completed and you will see a link saying "RETURN to..." Hit that return link BEFORE you leave the Paypal payment screen and you'll be redirected to a page to download your guide.

Want a fast way to plan your holiday activities? Just grab a copy of my 101 things to do in Cyprus eGuide for just £1.99 using the button below:

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101 things to do in Cyprus

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