Cycle Cyprus the Best Way

With my unique cycle Cyprus eBook
The Cyprus Cycling Guide.

It has everything you need to enjoy a cycling trip on the island.

cyprus cycling guide Get your cycling guide here

Cyprus is a well kept mountain bike secret, although the island is becoming more popular with road cyclists looking for the perfect winter training ground.

Whether you are a keen road biker, a mountain biker or you just want to discover Cyprus on two wheels rather than four, then my unique Cyprus Cycling Guide eBook is for you and it is available to download at a great price: Only £6.99

NOW available as a KINDLE version too :)

Read on to find out what's in the guide before you purchase or buy now through Paypal via the button below:

NB: Once you've paid, make sure you hit the "RETURN to..." link on the Paypal payment confirmation screen which then takes you to a page to download your guide.

Follow this link if you prefer to have the KINDLE version.

Bike Cyprus the Easy Way

Cycle Cyprus the easy way with my 34 page guide which contains:

  • Why Cyprus is a great cycling destination

  • The best places to ride both on and off road

  • What terrain to expect

  • Clothing required at various times of the year

  • Weather conditions during the key seasons

  • Cycling tips

  • Holiday suggestions

  • Cycling Routes with maps - here's an example

  • What to do off the bike

  • A list of specialist cycling companies on the island

  • Additional resources to help plan your next trip

cyprus cycling guide Get your cycling guide here

The Cycle Cyprus guide is produced in an eBook format to help keep publishing costs down for both myself and you, the reader.

The book was produced and published in less than a week thanks to the support I got from the site forums at Solo Build It, the company I use to build this website

If you're interested, you can read more about Solo Build It! and how I "wrote" the book using Microsoft Word and some free tools to convert the document into a pdf file.

Hit the button below to place your order for the Cyprus Cycling Guide for just £6.99:

NB: As soon as you've paid for the guide, Paypal will tell you your payment has been completed and you will see a link on the Paypal payment confirmation screen that says "RETURN to..." Hit that return link BEFORE you leave the Paypal payment screen and you'll be redirected to a page to download your guide.

Or buy the KINDLE version here.

Related Pages:

Cycling in Cyprus

Cycling Holidays in Cyprus

Cyprus Walks

Walking Holidays in Cyprus

Self Guided Cycling Holidays

GPS Bike routes

Mountain Biking in Cyprus

Cyprus Road and MTB Hire

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