Discover what it's really like on Cyprus winter holidays
The photograph below was taken in mid January!
The BBC rates Cyprus as one of the best winter ideas for a holiday destination.
The winter months of January-February are classed as "low season" in the Cyprus tourism calendar. All the resorts are certainly pretty quiet and many hotels and restaurants actually close during the winter period.
But don't let that put you off choosing a winter holiday in Cyprus.
There are plenty of good reasons to choose Cyprus as a winter sun destination:
Okay, there is a reasonable chance of some rain in a two week holiday during January and February and when it rains in Cyprus it REALLY rains. But most of the time, rain falls at night and, unless you venture up into the Troodos area for skiing, it is only chilly at night.
But just because the weather is mild by northern European standards, don't forget to come prepared.
Make sure you bring a mixture of clothing to cope with all possibilities - we have seen too many wet and/or freezing holiday makers sheltering in shop doorways because they forgot to pack a fleece!
We'd advise packing fleece tops, trousers and a lightweight rain jacket along with your bikini, shorts and t-shirts...just in case!
And don't forget that camera! Winter is probably the best time to take photographs as there is no summer heat haze to blur the views.
Plus you can get fabulous shots of winter lightening and/or rainbows after a thundery downpour of rain.
Winter Holidays in Cyprus -Tips
You can always get great car hire deals during the winter months - often up to 45% discount - another great reason to visit!
Enjoy your Cyprus winter holidays!
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