Yellow spring flower allergy in Cyprus

by amanda

I visited southern Cyprus during February and was allergic to the yellow wild flowers which seemed to be everwhere.

Beautiful as they looked, I would like to know when they are out of season and what they are called. Kind regards Amanda

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Jul 23, 2012
Spring flower season in Cyprus
by: Helen (website owner)

First it's hard to say which yellow flower you were allergic to as there are at least 15 different kinds of wild plants with yellow blooms in springtime over here.

Take your pick for example from cape sorrel (yellow buttercups), everlasting sungold, wild chamomile or crown daisies. If you saw the same plant over and over, it may well have been wild mustard which grows prolificly here in Cyprus.

For more information you may want to get hold of a Cyprus flower book - see my suggestions on my Best Cyprus books page under the flowers and birds section.

The season for spring flowers in Cyprus is between February and end April. You do get some flowers appearing in January, but these tend to be small flowers like anemones and purple romuli so February, March and April are the main months where there is a lot of pollen floating around from the flowers. So if you are allergic to pollen or cetain types of flower, I would avoid these months. Shame though as it's the perfect time for nature lovers.

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