What is Atlantica Golden Beach hotel in Cyprus like please?

by viv
(fordingbridge, england)

We are are going to Atlantica Golden Beach hotel for Christmas! We were wondering what it is like and if there is any good entertainment nearby.

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Dec 24, 2011
Atlantica Golden Beach
by: Helen (website owner)

I haven't stayed at the Atlantica Golden Beach myself but have been inside the reception area and it's a modern recently renovated hotel 8km from the centre of Paphos.

The best bit about it in my view is that has a no kids policy so it's perfect for couples!

As regards entertainment, the hotel has its own on offer plus you are close to Coral bay which has a variety of bars and restaurants to choose from.

There is plenty going on in the Paphos area oveer Christmas and New Year so just look out for posters and signs to the various entertainment on offer.

You can read a full review of the hotel Atlantica Beach here.

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