Walking Holiday

by Stephen Walsh
(Haverhill UK)

I'm thinking about going to Cyprus in early April 2013 for a walking holiday. I'm thinking of using Polis as a base but as I am probably coming on my own (I'm an experienced walker) I don't really want to rent a car as it will not be used for much of the time. Travel Advisor's piece on Tavros Appartments says they are near to the Aphrodite Baths and Akamas trails. In this case could I do without a car, just for getting to the starts of walks? (I have ordered the book that you recommended). Could I get by with local buses or maybe a motorbike?

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Dec 11, 2012
Best place to stay in Cyprus for a walking holiday
by: Helen (website owner)

The Tavros apartments are a great base for walks all over the Akamas. Within 10 minutes walk from the village, you are in the Akamas park with easy access to all the nature trails. Popular with lots of walkers and there are a couple of good tavernas including one of our favourites in Neo Chorio village, Kouppas tavern, where the apartments are located.

Aphrodite's Baths is further away, but you can use one of the nature trails eg. Adonis trail to get there within around 2.5 hours at a keen walker's pace :) unless you want to walk via the road which is shorter.

If you want to get into the Paphos forest to do some walks there, then you will need some transport. A scooter will be fine for short journeys or you could even take a taxi if you want to stick mainly to trails on the Akamas. You are right, a car would be a waste of money if you are walking most days.

Enjoy your walking holiday in Cyprus and do share your pictures.

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