Using Atm's in Cyprus to withdraw cash


When withdrawing cash in Cyprus do you select cash or credit on the atm screen?

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Apr 27, 2012
by: Anonymous

I would use a pre paid currency card. I have heard some people have problems with them. They say it doesnt work if you choose cash so I wondered if it should be credit?

Apr 27, 2012
ATM's in Cyprus
by: Helen (website owner)

The obvious answer would seem to be to choose the cash option.

But you didn't specify the TYPE of card you would be using. You can, for instance, use both a debit/cash card or a credit card to withdraw cash.

If you are using a credit card, then you would probably choose the credit option, if it's just your normal bank card linked to a current account then it would be the cash option.

In my experience, living in Cyprus, I always choose the cash option as that is what I need - CASH!

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