Traveling from Ercan airport to Limassol

I am traveling from Turkey to Ercan aiport alone with my 2 year old to Limassol. I am looking for some sort of transfer that would pick me up at the Ercan airport and be able to pass over the border. Because I have a small child, I don't want to have to make a lot of changes in transportation. Is this possible?

Thank you for your help.

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Apr 24, 2012
Transfers from Ercan airport to the Republic of Cyprus
by: Helen

If you don't want to make lots of transfers, your best option is to book a taxi that will take you across the border from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

I know these taxis are available for pick up from Larnaca airport so I would assume they would be prepared to pick up from Ercan and take you across the border. You just need to Google taxis in North Cyprus or something similar.

I don't have any recommendations sorry as most of the taxi companies in the North I have contacted have never bothered to reply to my e-mails!

My advice, if they don't respond within 24 hours, use a different company.

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