Things to do near Polis and Argaka in Cyprus

by Tony
(London UK)

We will be staying in Argaka for 2 weeks in August.

Can you recommend were to go for :
Scuba diving for beginners ?
Spa treatments ?
Organised hikes ?
Organised tours ?

This would be for a family of 4 ( 2 boys, 13 and 18 )

Many thanks


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Jun 13, 2011
Top Things to Do in Latchi and Polis
by: Helen (website owner)

The answers to all your questions can be found on this page - top 10 things to do in Latchi and Polis.

There are links to the providers of activities on the page. On watersports, I haven't given any specific links as there are several different companies with verying prices, but for beginners, Latchi watersports (the biggest company with a large office on the harbour) is probably the best for kids.

For boats, just go to the harbour and compare prices to get the best deal!

Enjoy your holiday and please take time to give some feedback with a travel review on the site to help others.

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