Taking baby milk through Paphos airport

by Lily
(London )

Does anyone know if you're allowed to take baby milk that is already in ready made cartons through Paphos airport?

You can do this through UK airports but I've heard mixed reports regarding Paphos.


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Sep 09, 2014
Carrying foodstuff through airports
by: Helen

I'm not 100% sure in all honesty, though as far as I am aware, baby milk would be classified as food and therefore not allowed. It is forbidden to take any forms of food across international boundaries. Many people "smuggle" food stuffs in their luggage however and as long as they don't get caught or their luggage searched, it's fine.

You can buy all types of babyfood here on the island however, so there's probably no point in taking the risk. I don't have kids, but can you not buy baby milk in powdered form, in which case there wouldn't be an issue?

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