Single travel to Cyprus May 2010 - suggestions on where to stay/bars/friendly ex pats etc

by Siobhan
(Norwich UK)



I am planning to come over for a much needed break in May (am coming alone as I need to use up some holiday at work and no one else available - have no problems with travelling alone - very confident) - not sure whether to do one or two weeks yet. Im 34 and female I dont want to be in a really loud 'clubbing district' with 18-30's holidays however I do like to go out and meet people and would need bars and entertainment around till late that are safe and nearby etc. Would you be able to suggest an area that may be suitable? Any places where perhaps ex pats and some of the forces people go to perhaps make friends with for the duration?

Am happy to sit on beach and relax by day and perhaps go on excusions but do need things to do in evenings! I also hear ther are cruises to Eygypt for a few days? Are these good value?

Thanks in advance and look forward to hearing from you

Siobhan ;o)

PS this is not a 'shirley Valentine' situation - just need to use up holiday and have heard good things about Cyprus!

Comments for Single travel to Cyprus May 2010 - suggestions on where to stay/bars/friendly ex pats etc

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Apr 09, 2010
thanks Helen
by: Anonymous

thanks very much Helen..Limasol looking good!..will have look on sites..



Apr 09, 2010
Best place for single female travel in Cyprus
by: Helen

To avoid the 18-30 scene avoid Ayia Napa first! I would suggest either Paphos or Limassol if you want plenty to do in both day or night. Paphos is probably safer than Limassol purely as it's a smaller town but it is more geared to pure tourism versus Limassol which has more of a business centre and therefore mixes both beaches/nightlife etc with the more cosmpolitan atmosphere that accompanies locals workiing there.

If you like the outdoors/watersports etc you can do this in any of the towns. Limassol is better for meeting forces people as the Akrotiri base is just outside the town. It's also the best base for trips to Egypt as the ferries leave from there. I've not done the Egypt trip but have heard good and bad things - the good is the amazing location (I have been to Egypt but not via Cyprus and it is awesome) the bad is the trips tend to be "rushed" as you are hoarded onto the bus once in Egypt to keep the trip schedule moving and don't get enough time to drink in the sites.

Enjoy Cyprus!


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