Oliveto Stone Grill Dining, 96 Tombs of the Kings Avenue, Paphos

by Ron Clarke

An up-market restautant, so one for a special occasion (i.e. pricey but worth it). If you haven't had the Stone Grill experience then it's one to look forward to. You get to cook your own meat on a very hot stone. The steaks are excellent but there are plenty of other dishes; not all are stone grilled. Good when you want a change from the usual tourist fare.

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Nov 21, 2011
Steak houses in Paphos
by: Helen

It seems to be very trendy to cook your own steak on a sizzling hot stone right now. I have friends who own a restaurant in Spain and their favourite dish is ...steak, served with your own stone to cook it on.

A clever ploy really as you can only blame yourself if your steak isn't cooked exactly how you like it!
Less work for the cook and they can charge a premium too for you doing the cooking. Very clever.

I will look out for this next time I'm in Paphos.

Thanks for the tip.

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