Not Just Yoga - Classes in Polis for All Levels - Tel Helen 99350898

by Helen
(Polis, Cyprus)

Not Just Yoga classes in Polis Cyprus

Not Just Yoga classes in Polis Cyprus

Rejuvenate your mind and body through practising yoga. Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned yogi, yoga will transform your life both on and off the mat.

Learn to breathe fully using your total lung capacity and connect your mind with your body through your breath as you let go of what you no longer need both physically and emotionally.

I discovered yoga when I was 42 years old and while I've always been a sporty person, yoga challenged me in a completely different way. If you think yoga is just about quiet gentle stretching and chanting Om sitting cross-legged on a mat, then think again. Yoga will energise your body and soul in ways you never thought possible. It will make you smile and often grimace as you delve deeper into the various asanas (yoga poses), but you will finish your practice with your heart shining and your body ready to take on the world.

I would love to share my passion for yoga with you. I offer various levels for all abilities, ages and sexes - yes men do yoga too!

Check out my class schedule at Not Just or contact me by phone on +357 99350898 or via e-mail to

Classes held indoors during the cooler months at Nicki Holiday Resort and outside in the shade during the hotter months at Akamas resort just outside Droushia village. Full details on my website.

See you on the mat and remember...

It's never too Late to Change your Life.

Comments for Not Just Yoga - Classes in Polis for All Levels - Tel Helen 99350898

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Mar 28, 2016
by: Helen

Thanks so much for your lovely feedback Annie.

Mar 28, 2016
Wonderful Yoga Teacher
by: Annie

Helen, thank you from the bottom of my heart for our private sessions which have helped me sleep and erased most of the pain I have been suffering from due to my many medical issues. I can hardly wait for the next time we unroll our mats!

A good teacher encompasses her craft with technical knowledge, empathy and an attitude which gives the student confidence. You possess all those qualities and more in bucket loads. You are truly a wonderful yoga teacher.

You may have only been teaching for a couple of years, but you have the knowledge and empathy of someone who has been teaching for decades.

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