Mother street cat in Cyprus

by Sunlight

My first street cat in this country. On September, 2005 I was bored. I looked out and I saw a cat. She was thin, dirty and tired. She had two kitties with her. They were far, I hoped they came to me. I called them, and they did.

I gave them food, but they were too afraid to eat, so I had to go back to let them eat. They did and they left. I was sad. It was the first time I saw something else not just fat, nice looking hotel cats. Next day they came again. And the next and the next... and one day Mother forgot to take the kitties when she left. One of the kitties was already friendly, but the other one scared too much, but even she was clever enough not to run too far and check the plate for food.

It was a rainy time, the scared kitty got sick. I was sad. I could not touch her, I could not help her. Just before she died the other kitty got sick also. We took him to the doctor, he got medicine and we put him inside in the hot, so I was happy. I was not alone so much time anymore, he was a very good company, who loved me, too. But one day he left. We looked for him everywhere. I was crying: "who will give him food, warm place and his medicine? He is still sick."

On the second or third day we found him. He was not alive. I cried too much. :(

stayed, she came to eat nearly every day. I loved her, she loved me but I could not touch her. I fed her three years and she came to my leg maybe two times and one time I could touch her with my end of the finger. She was old cat, she never trusted me hundred %. But she always came to me when I called her, she was always happy to see me. I think she loved me in her own way.

In 2008 winter she had three kitties. I fed them every day. One day mother came to me. I wondered I left enough food for them, but I thought she left for the kitties, she did not want to eat there so I took out food for her. She was not hungry, she just sat there and looked at me. She was sick. I could listen how she breath, and I saw the pain in her eye. She meow me and begun to walk. After a few steps she turned back and she meow again. I know she call me to the kitties. I could not go I was at work. So she gave up and left. When my husband came I ran to the family. The three kitties were there, Mother was missing. I never saw her again. So now I know she came to tell me good by. It was winter of 2008, my name day.
(The kitties on the picture are her kitties. She always had very beautiful kitties. For not one of them I found a home.)


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Apr 04, 2011
Thank you.
by: Sunlight

Thank you for your kind words and publishing the story :)

Apr 01, 2011
Life of a street cat in Cyprus
by: Helen (website owner)

Thanks for sharing another sad story about your first street cat here in Cyprus. Keep caring for them Sunlight. You are a light in their often harsh world.


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