Milk in Cyprus


What milk is more like the milk in the uk, ie: semi skinned

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Feb 22, 2016
Fresh milk
by: Debbie

Can you buy fresh milk in Cyprus . We are staying in Ayia Napa this summer .

May 09, 2013
Milk bottle colours in Cyprus
by: Helen (website owner)

All milk sold here has both English and Greek writing (on opposite sides of the bottle) so if you want semi-skimmed, you buy semi-skimmed! The semi-skimmed milk has a yellow label, the full-fat milk has a red one and the skimmed milk has a blue label. This will help you distinguish between the different types.

There are also other kinds of milk eg. soya and calcium enriched which have different labels and they are only found in small quantities in most of the shops.

So pick yellow if you want to buy healthy semi-skimmed milk.

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