Lieba Marcus - Holistic Therapist, Paphos, 97614023

by Lieba Marcus
(Geroskipou, Paphos )

Offering a wide range of Beauty and Holistic therapies.

From standard Beauty treatments to more specialized treatments like Hot Waxing, Hot Stone / Trigger / Deep / Semi-Recreational Massages, to more Holistic treatments - Reflexology, Reiki, Angel Card readings and Crystal Therapy massage.

Based in Geroskipou, Paphos.

Find out more or book a treatment on +357 97614023

Comments for Lieba Marcus - Holistic Therapist, Paphos, 97614023

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Nov 21, 2011
Beauty therapists in Paphos Cyprus
by: Helen (website owner)

Hi Marcus

There are lots of beauty therapists in the Paphos area, all competing for our money and time are tough right now as I'm sure you already know.

Can you tell me what makes your therapies different? What techniques do you use? Do you play relaxing music durinig your sessions? How long is each treatment - I want to know how good value it is. Why should I visit you rather than use another beauty therapist in the area?

Your advert doesn't really tell me that much and you can make it far more inviting if you add some comments to make paying a visit to your holistic therapy centre unmissable.

Or ask some of your regular customers to add a comment here. There's nothing that makes people book more than a recommendation from someone!

Click here to add your own comments

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