Larnaca Golf Property Action Group update

by steve roberts
(London UK)

LGPAG is gathering legal pace against the developers regarding mis-selling apartments in the Tersefanou golf region.

Many investors have bought properties at over-inflated prices with the promise of the golf course being built and have been left with unrentable/saleable, undersized and structually
poor properties (in many cases).

Additionally mortgages have been mis-sold in CHF Swiss Francs leaving investors crippled and unable to continue.

We are a group of like-minded investors and have fighting funds of around £350,000 which is being used towards a legal case to hand these properties back and claim damages.

Due to the large number of emails received daily we are holding a London meeting on Saturday April 28th at 12 noon.

You can meet the committee and legal team and get updates. There is a small charge of £10 per person to cover the hall charge. Venue to be confirmed by email.

If you would like to come to the emergency meeting please go to

Comments for Larnaca Golf Property Action Group update

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May 05, 2015
apartment owner
by: gary sykes

is there anything happening with golf apartments larnaca or even golf course being built?

Mar 18, 2013
Meeting in London
by: Anonymous

Hi my husband and I own a house on TV2 and would like to know how we can join your group. Is the meeting in London this April 28th? Can we get more info on timing and location?

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