Good Cyprus map

I read your excellent page on finding maps of Cyprus. I was wondering if you were able to find an even better one since you wrote the page. i am planning a hiking trip in the Troodos mountains without electronic devices. so for that, I would really love a good map that has the dirt roads and elevation contours. Would you be able to help me?


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Aug 19, 2024
Best Cyprus maps
by: Helen

Hello Joel
So sorry for the late reply as I have been off line from my websites since living in a caravan during a renovation project!

No sorry I have not found a better map since I wrote my Maps page. I can tell you that Wifi coverage is MUCH better now but maybe not in the middle of the forest to access google Maps!

The tourist board also now no longer provide the 1:100 maps with contour lines which were not fantastic but at least gave an idea of elevation gains.

One app we have used that can help and can be used OFF line is called It does have most of the tracks on it but not in satellite form. But it would stop you getting lost!

Hope this helps even if you have already visited by now :)

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