Folk Dress and Weaving in CYprus

by Aisyah

I hope this email finds you in good health. My name is Aisyah and I am currently studying Social Anthropology in the University of Kent in England. For my dissertation I am doing a paper on the traditional clothes of Cyprus and how they are made.

I love the artistry and the culture behind it and I am writing about what the traditional clothes mean to Cypriots. In order to do this, it is vital that I find a place that specialises in making the traditional clothes and protects the traditional ways of making them such as weaving. I am writing to ask if such a place exists? This is so that I can further my research by interviewing Cypriots, especially the makers of the clothes to ask the role of the traditional clothes in their lives. From this research I hope to do a short visual documentary on folk dress. I hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,
Aisyah Mohd Fauzi

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Nov 18, 2020
Cyprus traditional dress
by: Helen

Hi there.

There is no one place that is the centre for traditional crafts in Cyprus as much of it used to be done in the mountain villages.

You can find old ladies for example that still do weaving on their old machines, making high quality rugs to sell to tourists and also for the local market.

The village of Lefkara near the Troodos area is famous for lace making, so you may want to start there, but basically many mountain villages offer small shops with traditional crafts eg. basket making, weaving etc.

The other way is to visit some of the many traditional museums now being set up in the west of the island to encourage visits to small mountain villages. Our village of Droushia for example near Polis has a wonderful new museum showing many of the ancient crafts.

Good luck

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