Flavours of India Restaurant in Pissouri Bay

We recently went for an Indian meal to the Flavours of India Restaurant in Pissouri Bay, which we can highly recommend. Very pleasant and efficient staff, excellent food, and nice surroundings. We understand the owner has recently opened another restaurant in Limassol (opposite the Four Seasons hotel) which we are looking forward to trying in the near future.

Comments for Flavours of India Restaurant in Pissouri Bay

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Apr 07, 2012
good news
by: pawan

We are opening again Flavours of india with new indian owner and new staff.

Nov 21, 2011
Indian food in Cyprus
by: Helen

I don't know anything about the Flavours of India restaurant closing in Pissouri but I can telll you there are a couple of good Indian restaurants in Paphos.

Try either the Raj in the heart of Kato Paphos near the former aquarium or the Bombay Bra, situated on the coast road near the main hotel strip - turn left at the bottom of the dual carriageway after the motorway roundabout.

Both serve authentic Indian food with dishes marinated and spiced as the Indians would. No gloopy same-old sauces with bits of meat thrown in as you get in many other so-called Indian restaurants in Cyprus.

Nov 06, 2011
big surprise
by: Anonymous

why hv this restaurant closed
why why plz can anybody tell

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