Driving routes in Akamas

by Saqib
(Manchester UK)

On our 2 previous visits to the Paphos area of Cyprus I have been unable to drive the Akamas due to the hire of a standard car. This time I have taken the plunge and rented a 4x4. Can you suggest a good route to take in the best of the Akamas peninsula (with a good picnic site).

Also we are planning a day trip to the Trodos - any suggestions of a route and a nice restuarant?
Many thanks

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Aug 25, 2010
4 x 4 routes in Akamas and Troodos mountains
by: Helen

First the Akamas. Due to its TOTALLY unspoilt nature, there are NO picnic sites, it's just a wilderness experience.

It's hard to give a "route" as many of the tracks are not on the map but I would suggest either starting from Agios Georgios on the Paphos side or Neo Chorio village on the Polis side.

From the Paphos side drive all the way along the coast track, stopping at Lara bay en route (good spot for a picnic) then when you get to a fork in the road take the RIGHT turn towards Neo Chorio. Follow all the way to the top and go to the village for a snack or continue RIGHT along the top of the ridge back towards Paphos where you will eventually come out at Drouseia village.

From Neo Chorio just do the reverse.

For Troodos, off-road routes are difficult to suggest as it is easy to get disorientated up there. Best one is from the trout farm at Psilo Dendro just outside Platres village. Just follow the dirt track into the forest and you will eventually come to a monastery. Route can either be circular or carry on till you come out the other side near the old Asbestos mine.

Picnic anywhere you like en route as there are no official sites on this route.

Alternatively, try to follow the Venetian bridges route but this is a)long and takes hours and hours and b) impossible to describe how to get to. We usually start from Vretsia village. There is a page on the site describing how to get there.

Best way to discover Cyprus is to explore it and enjoy geting "lost" from time to time. But please leave plenty of time when driving off-road. What looks like a short distance on a map can take hours!

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