Does Cyprus have dairy free baby food?

Is there a make or brand of baby food I can by in Ayia Napa that is dairy free? as my baby has an allergy and we are travelling there in May 2011.

really hope you can help

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Mar 01, 2011
Diary free baby food, Cyprus
by: Helen

I don't know, mainly as I don't have kids. But our supermarkets stock all kinds of gluten free, dairy free products for adults so I'm sure they do the same for babies.

I will check when I next go to the supermarket for you and report back, but in any case, I would bring a few jars etc of baby food with you, so you have something to use when you first arrive.

Update 2011 - yes there are dairy free products in the baby section at our local big supermarket Papantoniou. They have a huge selection of baby products, though someone told me that nappies are expensive compared to UK prices, so it may be worth bringing a good supply!

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