My Cyprus Garden Pictures

Find the best plants for a hot environment

These first Cyprus garden pictures were taken between 2006 and 2011 after just three to five years of growth and they show that EVERY Cyprus plant in my garden at the time was 5-6 times bigger than when they were planted!

Tip: Most plants grow VERY quickly in Cyprus, so leave plenty of space between your plants to avoid a jungle and a lot of work pruning!

How big can your Cyprus garden grow?

Tip: The images above and below open up into image galleries. Just choose an image and click to see larger pictures.

Although my garden here in Cyprus looked very pretty after just a few years, I quickly became tired of the constant maintenance, especially when trying to run our various businesses including running this website. There never seemed to be enough time in the day!

We removed some of the shrubs for more space and less work and we kept the plants that had grown the best in our heavy clay soil. All the plants on this page of Cyprus garden pictures grow well all year round and need very little irrigation.

Cyprus Garden Pictures of Shrubs

My favourite purple bush, called solano here in Cyprus, gives all year round colour and needs very little water once established. If you have topiary skills, you can make them look far more attractive than mine!

The only problem with solano is that it can get very stringy if you don't keep it well pruned and if you let it go really wild, the woody stalks are very tough to cut unless you buy a heavy duty pair of pruning shears.

Cyprus Shrubs that Love the Heat

Hibiscus is a gorgeous plant with edible flowers, that can be grown either as a small bush or allowed to grow taller into a small tree. The red hibiscus also works well as a hedge and is often grown outside hotels to provide a boundary wall.

They do need regular pruning with a hedge trimmer, however, to maintain their shape.

Tip: You can take cuttings from solano and hibiscus and pop them in a pot with rooting powder to save money on buying additional plants, but they don't always work first time.

Colourful Plants for a Cyprus Garden

My Favourite Cyprus Plants

Lantana and geraniums are two colourful plants that I also love.

Geraniums especially are my all time favourite flower in Cyprus. The bush variety shown below is EASY to grow and even MORE easy to propagate. Just pull a piece off, stick it in a bucket of water for a couple of days and plant wherever you like.

Lantana is another popular hedge plant and I'm even using my pink bush geraniums now outside my fence line, offering vibrant colour and also keeping the weeds at bay.

Cyprus Garden Pictures - Plants for Cooking

My Favourite Cyprus Herbs

Rosemary is one of my favourite herbs for cooking and it grows amazingly well with virtually no watering required. I love the shape of the rosemary bush as it looks like a hedgehog!

Rosemary is great for marinades, stews and stuffing into a chicken with some lemons before roasting.

Lavender grows to a similar shape and, while more often used for aromatherapy purposes, can also be used in your cooking, especially the flowers.

Cyprus Garden Pictures - More Favourites

Climbing Plants for the Cyprus garden

There is one climbing plant that almost every garden has in Cyprus and that is bougainvillea. It comes in so many varieties, including bush varieties for smaller gardens.

While gorgeous, however, some climbing bougainvillea like the variegated one below, can sometimes take over your garden if you don't cut it back every year.

Jasmine is another popular climbing plant with a distictive heady smell during hot summer nights and pretty white flowers. I adore the aroma when brushing past jasmine at any time.

Tip: I have tried growing jasmine in several locations in my garden. The best place I have found is somwhere close to a septic tank, if you have one. The roots seems to like the additional nutrition!

Edible Cyprus Plants - Herbs

My Cyprus Herb garden

As I love cooking with fresh organic ingredients, a herb garden has become a neccessity in my Cyprus garden.

I grow most herbs in pots or planters as some, especially thyme, sage and parsley, hate the intense Cyprus summer heat and direct sunlight.

Mint and basil are the most used herbs in my little herb garden and basil has the added advantaage of deterring biting bugs in high summer!

I hope you have enjoyed looking at my Cyprus garden pictures gallery and have learned about the best plants to grow in a hot climate like Cyprus.

I will show you what our garden looks like 14 years on in my next gardening post as we have made some dramatic changes in the past two years.

In the meantime you may want to read about my successes and failures as a novice vegetable gardener in my new eBook below.

Stop Press: Just launched - My new eBook - Beginner's Guide to Growing your Own Vegetables in Cyprus

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