Cycling the E4 in Cyprus

by lu


I bought your cycling ebook. but still I have some questions about route finding. We would like to cross the island from Larnaka to Polis by mountain bike. In parts we would like to ride on the E4. It is hard to find tracks for gps or a 1:50000 map.
If possible we would be happy to get more information.
Thanks for your help
Ludwig Schulte

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Sep 05, 2010
Mountain Biking
by: Wez

The lack of detailed maps should not deter you.

A good compass, a mobile phone that works in Cyprus, and possibly a small GPS device will ensure you never get completely lost.

Cyprus is not that big and local villagers will be happy to set you in the right direction.

Sketch out you route with village names marked and see what happens. True spirit of adventure is the name of the game here.
Good luck and pass on the word about mountain biking in Cyprus.

Sep 05, 2010
E4 in Cyprus by bike
by: Helen

Unfortunately tthere are no good quality detailed maps for Cyprus due to the military situation. The only detailed section available is the Troodos map area which is 1:60,000 available to download here.

The Paphos section is 1:100,000 and the Larnaka/Limassol sections are really just town centre and suburb maps.

The E4 is shown in parts on these maps but you can't see the whole route which is why I put a E4 page on the site to show the outline of the E4 across the island.

The best sections are in the Troodos and western area close to Paphos/Polis.

No GPS available either sorry. We have small sections of the E4 local to the Polis area on our own GPS ie. our own guided ride routes but these are not available for public use.

You would be best to get a copy of the CTO map of the island which has the E4 marked on it in green then follow the E4 signs on the trail, some of which can be hard to spot.

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