by Rosetta Paul

I would like to camp out in Cyprus in one of the campsites for about a month.I am looking for a quiet campsite on the beach with shower facilities and of course safe for a little old lady.Any ideas?

Rosetta Paul

Comments for CAMPSITES in Cyprus

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Jul 07, 2009
Campsites in Cyprus
by: Helen

The best campsite for a quiet, get away from it all holiday is the Polis campsite.
Situated on the beach about 500m out from Polis town centre, the campsite is fully equipped and lady friendly!
It does get busy in the summer months as the local Cypriots from outside the area like to use it.
Contact the Polis municipality office for more information - I'm not sure if you have to book a place or not.

Alternatively, head for the hills and the Stavros forest station campsite - idyllic and far from the madding crowds.

Update November 2011 -I've just added a Cyprus camping page with details of all the campsites on the island - take your pick!


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