Boundary where Akamas starts re any future house building

I am looking at buying a house on the road to the Akamas. Estate agent has said there will be no more building. Where can I find the exact boundary and what is the local authority or governmentt positon re future building.

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Nov 17, 2015
Building plots near the Akamas
by: Helen

You have to visit the planning office in Paphos to find out the exact boundaries. I suggest you get a copy of the plot the property is built on and check where it lies within or on the edge of the Akamas park.

Like anything in life, plans are always subject to change and while the Akamas is supposed to be protected under EU nature 2000, to my knowledge the government has still not made the area a designated national park. So if there's a patch of land near the property it could well get built on at some point in the future.

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