Another nameless Cyprus kitten!

by Maurice Wilkins

Cute kitten picture - Just too young to survive!

Cute kitten picture - Just too young to survive!

This wee ginger kitten was one of many that were being fed by the relative that we stayed with above Yermasoyia. She arranges for stray cats to be neutered and feeds them twice a day. Every morning there is a row of them on her kitchen windowsill! I'll try to find a picture.

This guy had an infected eye and she was treating it daily, but I received a phone call after we arrived home to say that it had died. It was far too young to be without its mother and was so small that it could sit in the palm of my hand!


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Oct 25, 2011
Stupid Cypriots
by: Anonymous

Our cat got ran over today. I feel sick. This Island is sick. So many cats get splattered over the road. Drivers here are bad. They can't drive and when they see an animal in the road, rather than stop they accelerate.

They are sick and cannot drive.

I hate them.

Jan 08, 2009
Cyprus kittens
by: Helen

How sad this little one died Maurice.

Unfortunately the average life expectancy of a cat here in Cyprus is about 6 months and this little one didn't even get to 6 weeks.

They either get run over or abandoned at an early age. There are some excellent animal shelters on the island now, mostly run by British ex pats who are animal lovers plus the hundreds of people like your friends who does what they can to care for strays.

Some cats get lucky this little one didn't.

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