Accommodation for rent for 3 months in Northern Cyprus

by Janet Graham
(Malvern UK)

I would like to rent apartment or villa accommodation from Mid August to Mid November 2010 at the best price available. Please can you let me know where I can get accomodation.

Kind Regards
Janet Graham

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Jul 02, 2010
Apartments for rent in the TRNC
by: Helen

I'm sorry but I can't help you as we are based in Southern Cyprus and don't have any information on rental properties in the Turkish controlled part of the island.

You would be best to just check into a cheap hotel probably in the Kyrenia area (also called Girne) then look for accommodation when you arrive.

Update November 2011 - While I don't have any apartment information for properties in the TRNC, I now have several Northern Cyprus pages including a hotels page on places to stay in Kyrenia.

I can recommend the Hideaway Hotel as a good affordable base to start, then just visit shops, bars and restaurants to make enquiries.

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